понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

basone jeanne

Iapos;m babysiting my friendapos;s kids tonight, they are 4 and 2. They have a very Christian upbringing, and church and religion are major influence in their lives. Iapos;m an atheist. But I would never try to influence another personapos;s child in this area. So this was challenging.

(We are reading a story about baby animals.)
Me: See the baby whale?
2 y.o.: Why does he look like that?
Me: Well, because nature made him that way.
2 y.o: No nature. God made him that way.
Me: Right.

(Reading another book where Donald Duck meets up with the chipmunks Chip and Dale.)
2 y.o.: (pointing at Dale) Why he named Dale?
4 y.o.: Thatapos;s what God named him.
Me: Actually his parents named him Dale. Like yours named you Julia and Steven when you were born.
4 y.o.: No. God named him.
Me: Honey, parents name their babies. Your mommy and daddy named you.
2 y.o.: (pointing at Dale) My mommy named him Dale?
Me: No, your mommy named you. A man named Walt Disney named the chipmunk Dale.
4 y.o.: Whoapos;s Walt Disney? (They donapos;t watch TV and have not been to Disneyland.)
Me: The guy who wrote this book.
2 y.o.: Nuh-uh. God made this book.
Me: Steven, God did not make this book. A bookmaker made this book.
(Stares of disbelief.)
Me: Some people have jobs to make books. Maybe one person writes the story, another draws the nice pictures, another prints the pictures and words on the paper so we can read it, and then the bookmaker puts this binding on the edge so it becomes a book.
4 y.o.: Well God made the bookmaker, and the man who draws the pictures.
Me: Right.

Sigh. They are in bed now. Dreaming of resurrections and other miracles, I suppose.

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Been busy busy Had a good day today though. My weight training teacher complimented me on how hard I work out when I come to the gym (lol) and it made me feel really good.
I also got a 95 on my Bio test last week, and the prof gave us 3 points extra for some reason, so...98 I have run away from the required science classes for 3 years because I have a freakin hard time with it. Glad studying my ass off was justly rewarded

So I was all set and ready to book a flight to Cork for Thanksgiving break because like, I wanted to be apos;spontaneousapos; (5 weeks in advance? spontaneous enough) but bf was all like "nooo thatapos;s not a good idea, stick to the plan, listen to your mudder and I- we know whatapos;s best." lol, total dork. And upon deeper reflection I realized my funds arenapos;t qui~te as robust as I deluded myself into believing...so yeah. 10 weeks to go til the December visit, though Almost outta double digits.

Iapos;d like to mention my current C# program is balls but Iapos;m not going to inject negativity into this post for once :p

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Neewollah dna hcus
Current mood: adventurous

It was a damn good weekend.

Friday Foys trip fun like I said many places. Only two things to get to complete the costume.

Then yesterday spent the day with my friend Wendy.

Drank newcastles, made us dinner, ran some errands, window shopped, played on her p.c., drank more newcastles, highlighted her hair.

Totally relaxing fun day.

And found out honey bbq sauce mixed with chinese hot sauce makes a kickass sauce for chicken.

Only bad tghing I can say is so many outfits ideas. SO little funds.

May be hanging with Suzette after work tonight. Which rocks.

And Bobapos;s Halloween event less then two weeks away.

Life is good.

I LOVE Halloween

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Training today was exhausting,
chionged home, chionged out.
went out with yanyee and jialing.
my legs are achinggggg
haha liverpool keeps giving me heart attacks laaaa but they rock and torres was in the stands with ollala :/
haha but liverpoolapos;s so gonna lose against chelsea.
although i said the same thing against man utd right??
anyway i hate hamilton D:
go massaaaaa
i hope hamilton crashes or something,
my brother said raikkonen should have slowed all the way down, wait for hamilton to lap him, and BANG HIM
haha got such thing meh.
yay yanyeeapos;s coming online now to send me my long overdue pictures :]
her canon camera is like imba compared to my nikon.
seriously, nikon coolpix sucks :/

iapos;m getting used to not seeing you anymore

haha we saw a shop assistant at haji lane that looked like yoga lin
a much much more good looking version though.
cos yoga lin kinda looks like sai.
haha yanyee thought that shop assistant was angmoh�:/
abit la. Look more asian though.
haha i thought he was the shop assistant... So i was wondering why he was outside with other scary people and well, not in the shop haha saw him smoking too.
anyway didnt buy anything except a fox tank.

tmr is reflection day
i reallyreally wanna pon school...
but since it doesnt need any brains then go for fun i guess.
but i want to sleep.
they are so gonna play lame games and make us apologise to whoever we did something bad to and play the song "i believe i can fly"�at the end.
makes me remember that in sec one MELISSA RAYE SAID SORRY TO BE AND HUGGED ME OMG EWW.
eww. Eww yucks i still remember that AUGH
i think im gonna meet the person selling me the blg shirt on wednesday
yay :]
i may buy twloha and paramore shirts/pullovers from her too.
see first, orders close 10 november so iapos;ve got plenty of time.
haha okay bugging reubs to get a twloha deon for my bday and waiting (very long) for the pictures which are huge files D:
<3, byeeee

So I`ll be holdinrsquo; my breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that Iapos;ll spend forever with

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

erics metairie

�Im having a hard time with everything right now, I really dont know what to do. Im not happy with myself and I dont know what it is but i just cant get past it. Everyone around me is always so happy and laughing and having fun while im sitting and watching just thinking of how jealous or envious i am of them. I know this sounds bad and Im not the kind of person that always has to have a boyfriend, well because Iapos;ve never had one, but for some reason I just want someone to hold me and love me for me. I know it sounds selfish and dont get me wrong my family is awesome and they love me but I just want that different kind of love. I keep trying to tell myself itapos;ll happen when its supposed to but im getting tired of telling myself that and not believing it. I guess Im just a depressed person, I dont know how to fix it either, I hate school, i hate work, im never home and I miss my downtime and the fun I had over the summer. When the friends i had left went away to school everything started to suck. I miss them way too much. I lost my best friend because of a stupid situation that I had nothing to do with but she refused to believe it and i miss her. Iapos;ve been told that im too nice, i dont say no when i should and people have def. Taken advantage of me in the past. It sucks. �I dont know what to do and now im just venting. I dont even know if any of this is making sense. Ughh....i have no self-esteem or self-confidence. Im very depressed and i cant fix it...i dont want to sound selfish cuz i know people have it worse but life sucks monkies. So now im going to watch tv and fall asleep only to get up for another crappy day at freakin school. Ughhh....

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Last week I hosted a dinner party for my co-workers. Of course, as a proper city-girl, I own a really spiffy bicycle, but no car. I really didnapos;t look forward to biking home with 5 bottles, two kiloapos;s of potatoes and a whole bunch of other stuff. So I ordered my groceries on the internet and had them delivered.

Minimum order for Albert is euro; 60,-, which is a lot. I promised myself I would be smart about it and last two weeks with those groceries. Itapos;s been one week, and I realized that a)�Iapos;m out of pasta, b) Iapos;m out of milk and c) I stored a kilo of potatoes wrong, and now theyapos;re whitish green and possible sentient. I could, of course, spend euro; 5,-� on some pasta, a carton of milk and a kilo of potatoes. I could go wild and even add bread. But I had Plans, and I canapos;t stand theyapos;re not working out Itapos;s become a challenge now. Iapos;m not buying groceries until friday, I swear Iapos;ll just have to get creative. (I might end up having dinner at my momapos;s once or twice, but thatapos;s totally allowed)

Tomorrow Iapos;ll have hutspot with bacon. I stored four potatoes away from the others, so I made mashed potatoes today. I had some carrots and onions left, so it should be okay.

I have a lot of rice, and a bunch of slighly squishy tomatoes. Mondayapos;s going to be tomato-soup with chili peppers, rice and possily some carrots.

Tuesday Iapos;ll have pasta saus on wok-noodles. Iapos;m just going to pretend itapos;s spaghetti.

Wednesday could be zuchini and broccoli soup with rice. Thatapos;s not going to be my best meal ever, but it should be okay for one time.

And then all of my fresh food is gone. Which is probably when Iapos;m going to have dinner at the apos;rents. I could have fishsticks with peas and rice, but I might need that for lunch. I have half a loaf of bread for lunch left, and half a liter of yoghurt for breakfast.

I am going to persevere I will not be beaten by bad planning and almost sentient potatoes

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Amanda reminded me on myspace that i havent updated about the period situation...

well i started it FINAAALLYYYY 14 days late talk about scary.

well anyway..man did i have some emotional problems with that.
i cried sooo much. And hella went through a lot in that week...which didnt help.

iapos;m doing okay now :)
getting alot of hours with my jobs which will be nice on the next paycheck..
since that will be the rent one. Sooo really its just all gone right when i get it...but that really isnt anything new.

umm nothin much is going on..
i didnt get alot of sleep and had to get up for a meeting..now i have to go back in 3 hours for an 8 or 9 hour shift. Ugh and get up again early tomorrow. No fun at all. And hella bills to pay yet. Ughhh.

okay iapos;m bored now.

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